The present working of the economies on the planet is seen as not fit for purpose. They are extractive - of both natural resources and of the real wealth produced in communities - and destructive: severely undermining species diversity, stability of living conditions and humans' sense of justice, comprehensibility and even short-term viability.
In response to this we wish to facilitate the making of a **living economy**.
Part of what's invoked by ‘living economy’ is that **life** (eg ecology), and **actual persons’ lives**, and the **practice of skilfully living a life** are equal-weight considerations, alongside the demonstrably deadly and deadening institutions and metrics that typically get tagged ‘economy'.
We are concerned here not with defining a future economy or - in that sense - with 'economics'. Rather our orientation is to **the practices of activism** that may collaboratively construct an economy which enables livng and life in all the necessary, complex interwoven ways.
The material challenges are so great . . . . and the complexity of the activist formations that will be needed to achieve them is so much greater than any previous order of collaboration . . . . and the transformation of feelings and perceptions in very large collectives of people is so deep . . . . and from our grandchildrens' grandchildren's point of view, the time is so short within the evolutionary span . . that we feel it's necessary to construct and continue to evolve **a pattern language of skilfully living an activist life**, in making the living economy.
# Formaciòn This practice of making an economy through the making of skilful practice is referred to as **formaciòn**. The focus on living an activist life, and a living economy, means that the entire capability of making of our species is under the purview of the pattern language.
We address the actions and orientations of persons, their openness to transformation and the **'worldly winds' of feeling and awareness** which thus become the concern of the activist. This most intimate zone of reach is **Making an activist life** ¿1 - In-here
We further address patterns that engage with the organising of venues and places within which people conduct their everyday personal and working lives, and find their **material means of subsistence**. Practices in this domain may seem to be more within reach and contained, more visible and in some ways more directly significant in everyday life. This is the zone of **Making the living economy**, the real economy ¿2 - Here
To make a living economy we must address patterns that facilitate organising of movements and projects - **activist formations** - which potentially might be undertaken in a single lifetime (but often span generations). This is formaciòn: the production and sustaining of the vision and capability of 'we' who are the visioners and makers: **Making labour power** ¿3 - We
In-here, here and 'we' are all manifestly present in different ways, but we must also address transformative patterns in long-term and long-reach **infrastructures and suprastructures** of practice, including practices of government and cross-regional organisation. This most intransigent zone of reach is **Making a difference over the horizon** ¿4 Region
# See also . . - Formacion - Here we assemble resources to underpin this unfamiliar term, adopted from the langage of radical economist-venturer, Robin Murray - The entire capability of making - Here we are concerned with radical activist *formacion*, and a generative **dance of knowing** in the working and living settings of ordinary working people: everyday tools for conviviality.
>Graph - To be added xxx