xxx Engages **emotional commons**, the altered production of ::structures of feeling::
Patterns that engage the actions and orientations of persons, their openness to transformation and the **'worldly winds' of feeling and awareness** that thus become the concern of the activist.
The faculty of care work
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# Pattern families in care work - conviv.fridays - the school of grandchildren - conviv.contrib - the school of valuing, contribution and livelihood - conviv.plural - the school of plural orientation and transverse action (sectarianism, supremacy, intersectional diversity, transverse practice, pluriverse) - - the school of reconciliation and reparation - conviv.lifetime - the school of deep time, life-time and the moment ::worldly winds, livelihood, affiliations, intentions, sufficiency, homecoming:: - conviv.grace - the school of living gracefully within the doughnut - conviv.commons - the school of curating and enjoying commons - conviv.skill - the school of skill and impulse (satisfactoriness, sufficiency, brahmaviharas, papanca, sati, fathoming attention, dance of intention)
>Graph - To be added xxx