The core intention of the Faculty of formaciòn work is the skilful production of activist formations of labour power - that is, producing the landscape of knowing and capability in making the living economy.
The home pattern of the Faculty is ¿300 Making labour power.
>Beware, designers at work This page to be completed xxx
As a thoroughgoing ‘labour process’ framing, the production and organising and mobilising of *labour power* is at the heart of the foprop frame.
This landscape of knowing and capability is central in the real economy - and in society per se - and pivotal in the producing and mobilising of the radically *altered* capabilities of *activist* formations, in producing the radically altered Living economy.
**Rigour: rigours, plural. Choreography** > Dance of knowing To be added xxx > Emergence of ’common culture’ - The long revolution To be added xxx > Genres of practice. Storytelling. Conceptualising. Skilful handling of materials and media. The mix. Choreography. To be added xxx
xxx These are at the heart of the **§2 Cultural landscape** of the foprop frame, and this in turn is at the heart of the zone of reach in the foprop frame: **¿3 We**.
The pivotal capability to produce and organise and mobilise *formations of well-founded, activist, transformational labour power* is the essential concern of the Faculty of formaciòn work, which thus is at the heart of the College of conviviality. Radical, and fundamentally altered, and deeply transformational knowing and capability is what the college is *for*.
**Stewarding and mobilising the cultural landscape** >Beware, designers at work This section to be completed xxx The Faculty of formaciòn work in the College of conviviality is the locus of stewarding and mobilising the patterns of the ¿3 zone of reach in the foprop frame: We. The scope of this zone of reach is . . >The mobilising of means *in-here* in the human mind and heart-mind, in skilfully - in mutuality, in collectives, in formations - understanding and organising the cultural-material world *out-there*.

--- # Schools in the faculty of formacion work §1 Material landscape > Podding - Action learning & action research circles > Design of design - Participatory design & vernacular tools
Schools in the Faculty of formaciòn work
§2 Cultural landscape > Dance of knowing & facilitation > Pattern language(ing) & wiki(ing) > Festival and visiting > Mirrors - Analytics & pattern engines
§3 Aesthetic landscape > Dance of DisCO > Participatory budgeting > Funding
> These school links to be developed xxx