¿300 Making labour power

>Beware, builders at work. This is a proforma page. To be completed xxx

# 1 Flow text ::Furnishes context, rationale, narrative flow. In **one paragraph**: the reference para of the wiki page. :: >In making xxx, xxx must be skilfully cultivated and mobilised, in order to xxx. >Highlights, in the briefest form. >Intention - aRoPs Briefly outlined. - Status Established/tentative/speculative. - Picture (perhaps) (img)

# 2 Conditions ::A header for a GraphViz plugin:: :: Conditions which make the Pattern necessary/useful. Furnishes affiliations, resonances, cascading rationale. **Like nama rupa**:: The presenting landscape of *Name* is the §xxx. It has xxx contextual patterns . . (img) - Affiliating contextual patterns ::In the §xxx landscape, but in other ¿zones of reach::: *Pattern name(s)* - Resonating contextual patterns ::Not in the §xxx landscape:: *Pattern name(s)* # Siblings, cousins ::A header for a GraphViz plugin:: ::**Like vedana**:: *Name* has xxx cousins: - Affiliating patterns (siblings) *Pattern name(s)* - Resonating patterns (cousins) *Pattern name(s)*

# 3 Back-story ::A bullet list, with detail pushed to the required number of associated pages where, for example, references are given or material included. **Like sankhara**:: - Research Formal or semi-formal conceptualisations. Analyses. Instances of the characteristic *rigour* of the pattern. - News from elsewhere History, affiliations, precedents, attempts and significant failures or ‘near enemies’. Instances of the characteristic context and intention, the *rigour* of the intention and the implementation. - Memes and genres Invoking communities of skill, texture, performance. Instances of the aesthetic, the *rigour* of the performance. - Weather Noise, confusion, near- and far-enemies. Anti-patterns. Notoriously slack versions of rigour.

# 4 Intention ::A header for a GraphViz plugin:: ::A concise statement: the recommended approach. **Like kamma**. :: The meat of the pattern - **aRoPs**. - Image/schema An evocative image; or a symbol/icon/schema. ::It’s not a pattern if a schema can’t be drawn::

# 5 Detailing ::A header for a GraphViz plugin:: The choreography, texture and fluidity of *Name* is to be generated in patterns of tighter scope . . - §1 Material *Pattern name(s)* - §2 Cultural *Pattern name(s)* - §3 Aesthetic *Pattern name(s)* ::What’s the equivalent of **sankhara laid down**, kamma created?::