¿1 Care work, In-here

The core intention of the Faculty of care work is the production of skilfully altered **structures of feeling** which facilitate the making of a living economy: affiliations and intentions, perceptions and motivations, valuings and commitments, knee-jerks and dispositions.

The home pattern of the Faculty is - ¿100 Making intentions & affiliations

Humans’ lives are lived on the edge of the preconscious, and most of what we do passes from preconscious through intention into action without having been handled by the conscious mind. This has deep activist implications. This reactive, ‘instinctive’ automatism can’t be trusted, and the capacity for educated choice urgently needs to be educated.

The movement from preconscious to action is necessarily so with autonomous body behaviours (breathing, walking, digesting, sweating, fleeing, etc) but the same is true for the largest part of what we ‘choose’ to do: the action is almost all the way there - already 500ms old, and formed as an intention, ready to kick in - before the conscious mind gets a potential look in. This makes the actions of humans eminently subject to ‘button pushing’: habitual, ingrained, impassioned, unconsidered.

Activism - like every other mode of power - constantly makes use of this quality of human life.

The activist needs to be very aware of what is pushing her buttons, and to have equanimity in the face of this with regard to the possible consequences of her responses. Some of her ‘instincts’ and intuitions can be trusted, some can't.

The Faculty of care work is the locus of stewarding and mobilising the patterns of the ¿1 zone of reach in the foprop frame: In-here. The scope of this zone of reach is . . The skilful mobilising of forces in-here, responding to in-heres, out-there.

--- The home pattern of the Faculty is

Intention, affiliation and perception are hugely determined in the preconscious, with just a small portion open to aware consideration and choice. Possibly the most challenging and powerful field for the activist, in making the living economy, is capability in responding - in intention, in affiliation - to what arises ‘in-here’, in an ocean of other ‘in-heres’, out-there.

And the home patterns of the schools in the faculty are . .

Schools in the faculty of care work

Cultural core: - ¿104 Enjoying & curating commons To be added xxx - ¿105 Value(ing), contributions & livelihood To be added xxx

Aesthetic core: - ¿106 Reparation & reconciliation To be added xxx - ¿107 Deep time, life-time & sufficiency To be added xxx - ¿108 Dance, struggle & equanimity To be added xxx